As most folks know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month but BRA Day is one special day dedicated to promoting education,awareness and access to Breast reconstruction. Raleigh Plastic Surgery Center has partnered with B93.9 at last night’s BRA Country a Concert featuring an all female collection of country music artists. A portion of the proceeds will be donated the the Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day Foundation.
Why is Breast Reconstruction Awareness important? It is because many women confronted with the diagnosis of breast cancer are often not well informed about reconstruction options. While many women are well served with breast conserving surgical treatments, there are many circumstances where a mastectomy is the best option. It is understandable that the thought of a mastectomy is devastating to any woman but proper education about all the various options available to restore the breast in this circumstance would allow women to make choices that are best from them.
Advances in the past few decade has allowed plastic surgeons a wide spectrum of techniques to create a very natural appearing breast. Women should be fully educated on these choices and BRA Day helps support that goal.
New research has shown that the previous technique of removing a large amount of skin of the breast, as a part of the mastectomy, is unnecessary and much of the skin of the breast (and therefore the shape) can be preserved . Improved techniques in flap surgery and implant surgery have made breast reconstruction safer, less painful and more predictable.
At RPSC, we seek to provide all breast cancer patients with a full explanation of their options when mastectomy is offered as part of the treatment of their cancer.
(919) 872-2616
1112 Dresser Court , Raleigh, North Carolina 27609