Hundreds of thousands of people have rhinoplasty each year to alter their nose’s appearance. While rhinoplasty is generally used for cosmetic purposes, surgery can also be used to treat congenital nose abnormalities or the effects of an injury.

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, it’s critical to provide yourself with as much information as possible about the process so that you can assess the potential benefits and risks. To assist you in gathering the necessary information, Raleigh Plastic Surgery Center, a renowned Long Island plastic surgeon, shares some of the genuine benefits of nose surgery.

Improved Appearance

Each rhinoplasty patient has unique faults they wish to correct as well as a distinct vision for how they want their nose to look following surgery. For instance, some patients choose to minimize a big or wide nose that serves as the face’s main point, or to improve the equilibrium of the nose and the facial characteristics. Others wish to improve an element subtly, such as the nasal tip or the bridge. Certain individuals seek to reverse the consequences of an incident or accident that altered their nose’s appearance and restore their former appearance. A skilled rhinoplasty surgeon can build a nose that is more appealing and “suits” the patient’s face.

Increased Confidence

Improving the appearance of the nose can significantly increase the self-confidence of someone who has been self-conscious about their looks for years. Rhinoplasty can transform someone’s life if their self-esteem and confidence are directly related to their look. Additionally, it can be transformative for those who are mocked or bullied over their nose.

Breathing Improvements

Certain rhinoplasty operations address nasal structures that obstruct airflow and impair breathing. A fantastic example is a rhinoplasty operation that is used to straighten a crooked nose and crooked septum in order to create a more appealing nose with improved airflow.

Sleep Enhancement

Many people who have problems with their airflow are unable to sleep as well as they would like. They may wake up frequently during the night or snore incessantly. Through rhinoplasty, clogged nasal passages can be cleared and airflow improved, resulting in more peaceful sleep.

Schedule a Consultation with Raleigh Plastic Surgery Center for Rhinoplasty

To determine whether you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty, contact Raleigh Plastic Surgery Center.