
The cable station E! Has a program called Botched which features patients who have had bad results from plastic surgery. The doctors, both well respected plastic surgeons, operate on these patients to correct their deformities. While I am not a big fan of most plastic surgery shows ( Dr 90210, Nip tuck, etc.) I do think this one is pretty good. The doctors are very good surgeons, practice ethically, and are realistic. Yes they have a bit of a “Schtick” but it is entertaining and pretty accurate. Most of the patients have had bad surgery but some may have had underlying issues such as health issues, unfavorable anatomy, or perhaps sought too many procedures. Less than ideal results can happen in even the very best of hands but most of these patients have had problems related to poor planning and poorly trained doctors.

Recently, a patient sought a “Brazilian butt lift” which involves extensive liposuction and fat injections to the buttock. She decided to try to save money by going out of the country for surgery. Her surgeon in Mexico was unqualified and she ended up dying after surgery. An autopsy showed that the surgeon had punctured her lung multiple times with the liposuction cannula during the liposuction. An egregious error.

I recently have been taking care of a women who went to Mexico for body contouring such as a breast reduction and tummy tuck. Again trying to save money. She stayed there a week and when she returned here she had a pretty bad infection and open wounds. The surgery had been done poorly and she will need revisions. She saved some money at the outset, but after hospital fees for her complications, office visits and further surgery, she will end up paying more to correct it. I am always amazed that people still go out of the country for plastic surgery. The risk is very great. Although I suppose many patients do fine, what happens when things goes wrong? Is their surgeon going to help them? Will a surgeon here want to take on their problems? Not worth the risk in my opinion. There are plenty of well qualified plastic surgeons right here in NC. Think twice – three times! Before going out of the country!

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