An Overview of Restylane®
What exactly is Restylanes? Restylane® is the brand name for a class of face fillers developed by the firm Galderma. Among the other fillers under this name are Perlane® and Restylane® Silk. Restylane® Silk is [...]
What is a Facelift?
FACELIFT Surgical facial rejuvenation (facelift or rhytidectomy) continues to be the primary method for addressing and ameliorating the anatomical alterations associated with facial aging. The cumulative effects of sun exposure, aging, and gravity may adversely [...]
Otoplasty (ear reshaping) Frequently Asked Questions
Otoplasty (ear reshaping) Frequently Asked Questions How long will the ears take to recover? It takes at least six weeks for half of the swelling to go away, six months for the other half, and [...]
Body Contouring Is All I Want For The Holidays
We are concerned about two things during the holiday season: One the food and two the weight gained as a result of the food. Grandma's sweets are tough to resist. This not only puts a [...]
Labiaplasty is Appropriate for Nearly all Women of all Ages
Labiaplasty: The Truth Labiaplasty is appropriate for nearly all women who have extended or uneven labia minora It provides patients with swollen or chronically inflamed labia minora with immediate and significant relief while requiring very little [...]
Is it Possible to Reverse Wrinkles?
The easiest approach to slowing down wrinkles is to avoid them altogether, although this may be easier said than done. Wrinkles can be caused by a variety of things. Your age and genetics, you have [...]