Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation remains the number one procedure performed by cosmetic surgeons in the U.S. Breast Augmentation helps women with small or misshapen breasts feel more confident about their physical appearance. Patients report a significant boost in self-confidence both with and without clothing, as well as, in bathing suits. Women of all ages seek Breast Augmentation with breast implants performed at Raleigh Plastic Surgery Center.

Breast Implant Choices – What are the differences between Silicone and Saline implants?

There are many options with breast enlargement which will be discussed during your visit at Raleigh Plastic Surgery Center. The two basic choices of implant type are saline-containing implants and silicone gel-containing implants. In 2006, silicone gel implants became widely available for use in all Breast Augmentation. Saline devices were utilized prior to this from 1992, after silicone gel implants were taken off the market by the FDA. Saline implants are still used and can be very effective and enhance the breasts just as well as silicone gel implants. However, saline devices usually are more palpable and potentially can cause visible rippling in very thin patients. Saline implants do have the advantage of having easy detection of leakage.

We allow you to view and observe silicone and saline implants during a comprehensive evaluation with your board-certified plastic surgeon to help you arrive at the best choice. Sometimes, the decision-making can be assisted with 3-D computer imaging here in our office. In order to get an accurate assessment of cup size, we use a combination of proper measurements of your physical characteristics and allow you to review before and after photographs of patients.

breast implants